2017년 6월 14일 수요일

김건모 - 잘못된 만남 (Kim Gun Mo - Wrongful Meeting) Korean - English Translation

Music : Kim Gun Mo - Wrongful Meeting

난 너를 믿었던 만큼 난 내 친구도 믿었기에
As I believed in you, I believed in my friend
난 아무런 부담없이 널 내 친구에게 소개 시켜줬고
I undoubtedly introduced you to my friend
그런 만남이 있은후로부터 우리는 자주 함께 만나며
Since that meeting, we just often met each other
즐거운 시간을 보내며 함께 어울렸던 것뿐인데
and had fun time with each other
그런 만남이 어디부터 잘못됐는지
Since when did that kind of meeting went wrong
난 알 수 없는 예감에 조금씩 빠져들고 있을때쯤
By the time I slightly got into riddling hunch
넌 나보다 내 친구에게 관심을 더 보이며
You started to have more interest in my friend than me
날 조금씩 멀리하던
and you started to keep me away

그 어느날 너와 내가 심하게 다툰 그날 이후로
After the day I fought with you
너와 내 친구는 연락도 없고 날 피하는 것같아
I lost touch with you and my friend and you seemed to avoid me
그제서야 난 느낀거야 모든것이 잘못돼 있는걸
By that time I felt that everything was wrong
너와 내 친구는 어느새 다정한 연인이 돼있었지
You and my friend were already become couple
있을 수 없는 일이라며 난 울었어
I cried saying that this couldn't be happen
내 사랑과 우정을 모두 버려야 했기에
As I had to give up both my love and friendship
또다른 내 친구는 내 어깰 두드리며
Another friend of mine tapped on my shoulder and
잊어버리라 했지만 잊지 못할것 같아
told me to forget but I think I can't

너를 사랑했던 것만큼 난 내 친구도 믿었기에
As much as I loved you, I believed in my friend as well
난 자연스럽게 너와 함께 어울렸던 것뿐인데
I was just naturally hanging out with you
어디서부터 우리의 믿음이 깨지기 시작했는지
Since when did our trust started to brake
난 알지도 못한채 어색함을 느끼면서
I didn't even know when feeling awkwardness
그렇게 함께 만나온 시간이 길어지면 질수록
As the meeting time became longer and longer
넌 내게서 더 조금씩 멀어지는 것을 느끼며
As I felt you were more and more estranged
난 예감을 했었지
I had a hunch
넌 나보다 내 친구에게 관심이 더 있었다는 걸
that you had more interest in my friend than me

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